Monday, February 06, 2006

Two Step!

I passed National Step II!!!


baj said...

Mubarak, smarty pants!

Omar said...

Thanks baj, I'm really happy, not much more to go now.

baj said...

hurry up and get your degree so you can tell me whether or not i have TMD/TMJ!

maryam said...

baji told me about your blog a while ago and i had it bookmarked but forgot to check it. nice blog. congrats on passing. yay!

Omar said...

Baj, I can tell you now that even if you do have a TMJ problem there is not a whole lot of definitive treatment out there for it. Most of the time I just prescribe a muscle relaxant in low dose. Flexeril is an example of a typically prescribed one.

Chai, thanks for stopping by, i have been reading yours for a while now, give my salaams to the family.

Omar said...

Baj, does your jaw hurt more at any particular time? Night, morning?

Anonymous said...

oh wow congrats on passing!!! yey!!! what a relief it must be, nicely done.

Omar said...

LB, thanks, exactly three months left, i'm excited, still no clue about after graduation though. I'll see you guys in a couple of months.