Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Graduation Party

This past weekend we had our graduation party at the Indiana Historical Society. It was a lot nicer than I expected. I didn't recognize half of the people there since they weren't in scrubs. Dinner was nice, the slideshow was excellent, and less people than I thought annoyed me. After dinner and the slideshow the event moved downstairs to the canal. I had a really good time. I wore my tux, but had to wear a straight tie because I still can't tie a bow tie. I will put a couple of pictures up when I get some. Graduation is now only two and a half weeks away. I can't believe who they are letting get doctoral degrees these days (case in point, me). I still have two small requirements left to complete. One next tuesday morning and one next friday afternoon. After that I should be officially cleared for graduation (barring any unforeseen hitches). I will also soon have to start the arduous process of cleaning my apartment in anticipation of the family's arrival for graduation weekend. Graduation for me is completing my requirements, getting my liscense, and finding a job. I suppose the formal ceremony is more for the family. Well I better start the clean-up process now.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Indiana Weather

The weekend was pretty laid back. I went to a get together at somone's place on Friday with BG. She had a chocolate fountain there! Everyone was quietly standing around socializing, and then we walked in. I made my way straight to the food which was at this point still untouched. My lack of manners apparently started a chain reaction and everyone began eating soon afterwards. The quiet gathering once again turned into the Slow and BG comedy hour once we started our routine (witty banter feeding off of each others comments). It was a pretty good time except the crazy weather we encountered on our drive up there. The rain was coming upwards! It hailed for about 20 minutes and at one point in time we were the only car on the road (everyone else was pulled into a gas station or under an overpass). Thank goodness we were in the Green Dragon and not in Sunny. Saturday was a lazy day of TV watching and so far sunday has been much of the same. Four weeks of school left, crazy!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Mr. and Mrs. Gunnar

Congratulations again to LB and Gunnar! The weekend was a fun and hectic time for all. It was good to see all the fam and meet new friends. LB's old boss talked to me for at least an hour on Saturday and sought me ought at least twice at the wedding. Uncle Jerry loves Oz solely because he was familiar with the Big Dig. I bro'd out with LB's co-worker's husband (i'll refer to him as the Greek). It was a good time. Baby bro forwarded me an article written about his article. Apparently the IDS has never run an op/ed on the front page of its newspaper and so they printed a follow-up as to why they chose to do so in the first place. I was also forwarded this article that proves baby bro is a fob and cares way too much about his hair. Before you go and think that the IDS is a paper run by all of baby bro's friends, here is a little info. It is one of the nations largest student newspapers, it is almost entirely student run, published daily, and it is financially self-sustaining. Well, fat boy has to lose 10 more pounds before the end of the month. Must drop bag of potato chips clinched in right hand...must stop eating double cheeseburgers at every eatery in greater indianapolis...must run more...must stop ordering off the menu at Bourbon Street...too late (opens mouth, inserts handful of mesquite bbq chips).

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

First Dentist

I just read this today and found it really interesting. Maybe I was desitined to become a dentist. Maybe I am even a descendant of this early Pakistani dentist (even though he/she was from Balochistan and not the Punjab).

Final Four

Indianapolis was packed this last weekend. The NCAA Final Four took place downtown and it was pretty cool. I went out with a bunch of friends on Friday and every place downtown had a line about 50 people deep to get in. It was nice to see downtown so alive. Usually the only place with a line downtown is Have A Nice Day Cafe, affectionately referred to as the HAND (if you are a female you will find more than one on your backside during the course of an evening). Lines are generally reserved for Broadripple (college bars and clubs). Anyway, on Saturday we went to Jillians and watched the semifinal games on any one of the twenty big screens downstairs. The line was too long initially to get in so we had to settle for watching the first half of the Florida game in a giant tent that was set up next door. This quickly became a nuisance because it was cold outside and I was tired of seeing drunk 21 year old girls with flip flops falling on their rears. I noticed also that all of my friends are ex college athletes. I wish I would have gone to a smaller school and played college sports (I had Division II and III offers for baseball and football<---tooting own horn!). BG played volleyball at UCLA, JB and JC were swimmers at Luther College, and JP played football at Wyoming. I played intramural Euchere at IU, just not the same. After UCLA won, BG was determined to get tickets for the championship game. He came through and we were able to go to the Championship on Monday night. Florida fans outnumbered UCLA fans at least 3 to 1. It was a boring game but still fun to be there and experience it all. Last night I ate a Bourbon Street Burger (with cajun spices) at my favorite hangout. I am now fatter and more unhealthy, but certainly more content.