Sunday, April 16, 2006

Indiana Weather

The weekend was pretty laid back. I went to a get together at somone's place on Friday with BG. She had a chocolate fountain there! Everyone was quietly standing around socializing, and then we walked in. I made my way straight to the food which was at this point still untouched. My lack of manners apparently started a chain reaction and everyone began eating soon afterwards. The quiet gathering once again turned into the Slow and BG comedy hour once we started our routine (witty banter feeding off of each others comments). It was a pretty good time except the crazy weather we encountered on our drive up there. The rain was coming upwards! It hailed for about 20 minutes and at one point in time we were the only car on the road (everyone else was pulled into a gas station or under an overpass). Thank goodness we were in the Green Dragon and not in Sunny. Saturday was a lazy day of TV watching and so far sunday has been much of the same. Four weeks of school left, crazy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.