Saturday, December 17, 2005

Still Learning

I really haven't done much the last couple of days. I have been at the gym 10 of the last 12 days. I feel a lot better about myself, I will weigh in sometime in early January and see how my workout/diet is fairing. I have learned some really important things lately. These are lessons that I already knew but until I actually experienced them I didn't have a firm grasp on the importance of these lessons:
Lesson 1: If you go to bed hungry, you will wake up even hungrier in the morning. Don't eat at 5:00 pm if you are going to stay awake until 2:00 am, you will wake up craving everything and end up eating chocolate cake for breakfast and McDonalds for lunch.
Lesson 2: Be weary of letting friends use your computer. I was hanging out with the boys and BG was using JB's computer. After JB went to bed, BG and JC put an inappropriate picture as the wallpaper on his computer thinking he would wake up, see it and laugh about it. Wrong. JB woke up, put his computer in his bag and went to school. He proceeded to boot up his computer while he was talking to Dr. M (clinic director). They also pennied his bedroom door.
Lesson 3: Women are always right. Just do whatever they say, your life will be a lot better because of it. Eat whatever and whenever they want. Argue if you so dare, but apologize promptly or admit partial fault at least half way into your argument. Compliment them regularly and no matter what they say, they love for you to buy them things, anything!

My iPod is fully functional and I am loving it. I am still trying to get some good playlists together. Congratulations Oz for completing your first semester of medical school. Congratulations Baby Bro for a 4.0 (19 credits) this semester, now study for the LSAT and do well.

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