Tuesday, July 18, 2006


It has been too long since I last posted. I have been living a very odd existence for the last three weeks. I moved out of my old apartment on the 28th of June. I couldn't find a nice apartment until recently so I have been living at home with Mom since last we spoke. I finally found a nice apartment and will be signing the lease tomorrow and moving in on Thursday. I made a makeshift closet in the garage from dowel rods, hooks, and old lumber laying around since my college days. It actually looks pretty good. All of my worldly belongings are also in the garage melting away as we speak. I walked in the garaged today and my couch was sweating! I have been sleeping on a twin size bed which has been causing me to wake up with a stiff and sore back everyday. Good times. My mom still lives a simple life therefore we don't have the luxuries that most people living in the 21st century are accustomed to. I have been using Mom's dial-up internet to check my e-mail and naturally we don't have cable either, so it's pretty boring. Our DVD player has been acting up, so yesterday I watched Braveheart on VHS. I hate living in transition. I am transitioning into a new job (in contract negotiations as we speak), new apartment, new gym, new friends, new haircut (the mid-length gentleman's cut aka the Senator's cut just doesn't suit me, I'm going back to the buzz. It will definitely show my thinning spots, but I would rather that than cover them up.) I hate the fact that I haven't been able to work out. At least I have been playing tennis and/or running on a daily basis. Well, I will update/complain more when I am finally settled in my new place, sleeping on my full size bed, surfing the internet via cable modem, and watching PBS with 200 stations on standby.

1 comment:

maryam said...

hey it was good seeing you and the boys the other day. hope all is well. beace