Saturday, August 12, 2006

Slow going

I have moved, but my brother is dragging his feet a little, and rightfully so. I started work a couple of weeks ago and it is going great. Once Oz gets moved and settled in, the place will look a lot better. I am starting to get in more of a routine. My next goal is to start updating more frequently and to insert myself into a few professional and social circles. I am guessing that oz will be moved in about a week and a half, dsl should be active soon after. I didn't expect this life transition to take this long, but i'm certainly okay with it. Over the last 18 months I have learned to sit back, relax and just take everything in. More to come...


Omar said...

I know, so goes the life of a rockstar/dentist/nerd!

baj said...

ramadan mubarak, slowmar - update already!

Omar said...

i know, i'm sorry, i have been busy with work and the apartment. I will definitely update soon. Mubarak to you too baj

Ol' Baby said...

you update about as often as I do...and i've updated... your turn.