Monday, November 28, 2005


Today was my last day in the Pediatric clinic. The overwhelming majority of the kids there are so cute that I want to take them home with me, there are also the select few who are poster children for birth control. A water main leak caused a closure of clinics this afternoon which left me enough time to catch up on lab work. After returning home I watched the local news present a stunning piece of journalism on stealing from malls during the holidays. The footage was apparently shot by a 12 year old and his cell phone camera, this can be the only explanation for the granulated images, shakiness, and inability of the camera to capture more than an arm on film. Criticism aside, it reminded me of the time about 14 years ago at Value City as I was shopping for my yearly pair of athletic shoes. I played four sports and the shoes were supposed to last me a calendar year. Needless to say, you could see my socks by early September. Anyway, as my excitement reached its peak when I finally found the pair I liked and my mom could afford, I reached for the box of 10.5's. Grinning ear to ear I opened the box to find a dirty, broken down pair of high top Voit basketball shoes. Someone had pulled the old switcheroo and I was left with a pair of low top Boris Becker Puma knock-offs. Good Times.

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