Sunday, December 27, 2009

is growing weary

I think I might try blogging again. I am growing very tired of Facebook, twitter, and of people in general. I figure I would get back to where it started and just write for myself and those who actually care to know whats going on. I have somehow managed to be friends with people from high school that I never talked to then but am 'friends' with now. I really don't care that you 'have a sinus infection', 'is still wearing pajamas', and 'is going to bed'. Don't get me wrong, I have reconnected with people that I thought were long gone and genuinely keep up with some people, but not 400 of you. I suppose I should just clean house and 'unfriend' people. Or I suppose I could just spend some time catching up here. Well, it's getting late, Omar is getting yelled at by his wife and must go to bed now.


baji said...

what happened to my comment!?

baji said...

hmm, i think all i said was that the end-of-the-year clearance on facebook was a very satisfying exercise. i look forward to it all year long. ;)

Omar said...

I think I might do it. I feel a little anti-social if I do but I just get so annoyed. I don't know what rule I should use? Have you wrote on my wall in the last year? Have I talked to you in the last 10? Will I ever talk to you?